v1.1 (02/07/2025)
Once the bioServer install is complete, check that the FBF/rpc IIS application uses an x64 Application Pool in IIS.
as an administrator. The file can be found in your install package. The DB configuration assistant will launch first.The DB configuration assistant will attempt to connect to a database using the configuration available in the AppServer configuration file (config/config.json). If the connection fails, you will be prompted with a set of questions. Answer those questions until you obtain a successful connection. The following example shows a full session of the DB config assistant:
Welcome to the FbF AppServer DB configuration assistant
Loading DB configuration from ../backend/config/config.json
Current configuration:
provider: 'mongodb-dev',
uri: 'mongodb://',
database: 'app-server',
maxPoolSize: 20,
socketTimeoutMS: 480000,
keepAlive: true
Testing DB connection...
Connection error: connect ECONNREFUSED
DB type [mssql/mongodb] (Default: mongodb): mssql
SQL Server host (Default: localhost):
Using default value localhost
SQL instance name (ex: SQLEXPRESS for localhost\SQLEXPRESS): SQLEXPRESS
Database name (Default: appserver): appserver-dev
Authentication type [sql/windows] (Default: sql):
Using default value sql
SQL username (Default: fulcrumuser):
Using default value fulcrumuser
SQL password: MyDbPassword203$
Enable `trusted connection`? (true for servers using a self-signed certificate, or accessible via IP address) [true/false] (Default: false):
Using default value false
Current configuration:
provider: 'mssql-unencrypted',
driver: 'mssql',
server: 'localhost\\SQLEXPRESS',
database: 'appserver-dev',
user: 'fulcrumuser',
password: '********',
requestTimeout: 10000,
pool: { min: 0, max: 100, acquireTimeoutMillis: 10000 },
options: { encrypt: false, useUTC: true, trustedConnection: 'false' }
Testing DB connection...
Connection successful!
Do you want to save the DB settings? [yes/no] (Default: yes):
Using default value yes
Writing to ../backend/config/config.json
Press ENTER to terminate...
Once the assistant has successfully connected to a DB, you will be asked if you want to save the configuration. Accept and finish following the instructions to move on to the file copy.
The installer script will copy the AppServer files to the following locations:
Once the files are successfully copied, the install helper will start and display the following output:
{"level":"info","message":"Initializing db","timestamp":"2024-02-23T18:45:46.527Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Starting processor install","timestamp":"2024-02-23T18:45:46.817Z"}
------------ FbF App Server install ------------
---------- Step 1: Vault key generation
Input private key (or leave empty to auto-generate) then press ENTER:
key: [private key] - Close this window ASAP!
Writing to ./config/config.json
Config successfully updated.
The new private key string can then be copied and installed on multiple instances of App Server. Multiple instances of App Server using a single database must use the same private key. We strongly recommend storing this key securely in a credentials manager for example.
Next, the install helper will display the following output:
---------- Step 2: License activation
Activation key? (Press ENTER without any key to skip)
Paste the AppServer activation key provided by Fulcrum. Make sure the activation key does not contain any trailing space, then press ENTER. You can skip this step by pressing ENTER without typing or pasting a key. If you choose to skip this step, refer to ---------- Step 3
further down.
The install helper will then display the following output:
Env? (prod|qa|offline). Default prod.
Skip this question by pressing ENTER. The install helper will then gather the required information and obtain a license from the Fulcrum license server (requires an internet connection using TCP port 443, host licenses.fulcrumbiometrics.com).
Gathering computer information...
Host information { bios: '3Z0RGT2' }
POSTing https://licenses.fulcrumbiometrics.com/lic/api/license/activation
Activation started...
GETting https://licenses.fulcrumbiometrics.com/lic/api/license/activation/XXX
GETting https://licenses.fulcrumbiometrics.com/lic/api/license/activation/XXX
License saved! You may now start the App Server
Next, the install helper will ask you define a default password the your AppServer admin account. The following output will be displayed:
---------- Step 3: admin.app password definition
Enter admin.app password:
Type-in the desired password. There is no complexity requirement. The password being typed will not be hidden, so make sure you are not sharing your screen at the time. We recommend you change your password upon logging into admin-app for the first time. After typing the password and pressing ENTER, the install helper will display the following output:
admin.app successfully created.
You will be able to log into admin-app using the username "admin.app" and this password.
Next, the install helper will create the AppServer windows service as displayed in the console:
---------- Step 4: Windows service install
To confirm everything has been configured properly so far, the install helper will launch AppServer manually. First, the following output will be displayed:
---------- Step 5: Manual launch test
Press ENTER to start the launch. After launch, press CTRL+C twice to terminate
Press ENTER and AppServer will start up. App Server should display an output similar to the following snippet:
C:\Program Files\Fulcrum Biometrics\app-server>node ./config/config.json
{"message":"Initializing db","level":"info","timestamp":"2021-01-13T15:02:54.419Z"}
{"message":"Starting processor startApp","level":"info","timestamp":"2021-01-13T15:02:54.649Z"}
{"eventId":"user-created","username":"admin","type":"superAdmin","level":"audit","message":"Created main admin account","timestamp":"2021-01-13T15:02:55.349Z"}
{"message":"Registering post /api/app","level":"info","timestamp":"2021-01-13T15:02:55.415Z"}
{"message":"Registering get /api/apps","level":"info","timestamp":"2021-01-13T15:02:55.415Z"}
{"message":"Clearing expired semaphore dedup-queue","level":"info","timestamp":"2021-01-13T15:02:55.447Z"}
{"message":"Successfully acquired semaphore dedup-queue","level":"info","timestamp":"2021-01-13T15:02:55.450Z"}
{"message":"6570232a - No more incoming, sleep","level":"info","timestamp":"2021-01-13T15:02:55.460Z"}
Note: The output is abridged (...
) for clarity purposes.
Upon successful launch, the server firewall may warn you about an attempt to open a port. If necessary, update the local App Server port in the configuration. Then allow the port through the firewall.
Once you have confirmed AppServer launched successfully, press CTRL+C twice to end the process. After closing the AppServer launch test, the remaining command prompt windows may indicate errors. As long as the launch test was successful, you can ignore these errors.
You may now use the Windows Services user interface to manage the App Server service. You may change its startup mode and credentials as needed.
The previous install script copies admin-app into the default IIS location C:\inetpub\wwwroot\admin-app. If you want to use a different location, follow these steps:
folder to the desired target location.admin-app
.Note: IIS must have Read and Write file system permissions on the admin-app directory.
Admin-app will not operate if the web server is not configured to use SSL. Please refer to IIS documentation for more information on how to configure SSL in IIS.
You can now access admin-app. By default, the address should be https://localhost/admin-app
After successfully logging in, we recommend immediately changing the password (top menu > Change password)
To enable biometrics, define the FbF bioServer
To check the status of bioServer, refresh the "Cluster Status" page.
You can access the AppServer APIs via 2 different endpoints:
The number of available cores directly impacts matching speed. As the population size increases, the number of cores and available RAM should be increased as well.
After installing bioServer:
C:\Program Files\Fulcrum Biometrics\FbF bioServer\FbFServerEngine\FbFEngineHostManager.exe.config
. <add key="pv.start" value="0" />
<add key="pv.end" value="10000" />
Define the start and end values in a way to split your total population evenly across the total number of nodes. For example, splitting a population of 120,000 templates over 3 nodes would be done using configuration such as:
start | end | |
node 1 | 0 | 40000 |
node 2 | 40000 | 80000 |
node 3 | 80000 | 120000 |
After changing this configuration:
The AppServer DB configuration can be updated by manually editting the AppServer configuration file (appserver/config/config.json) with a text editor. The following examples can be used as a basis to tweak the configuration.
"db": {
"provider": "mssql-unencrypted",
"server": "localhost\\SQLEXPRESS",
"driver": "mssql",
"database": "appserver",
"user": "...",
"password": "...",
"requestTimeout": 1000,
"pool": {
"min": 0,
"max": 100,
"acquireTimeoutMillis": 10000
"options": {
"encrypt": false,
"useUTC": true,
"trustedConnection": false,
"instanceName": "SQLEXPRESS"
Note: Windows Authentication is not supported on Windows Server 2022.
"db": {
"provider": "mssql-unencrypted",
"server": "localhost\\SQLEXPRESS",
"driver": "mssql/msnodesqlv8",
"database": "appserver",
"requestTimeout": 10000,
"pool": {
"min": 0,
"max": 100,
"acquireTimeoutMillis": 10000
"options": {
"encrypt": false,
"useUTC": true,
"trustedConnection": true,
"instanceName": "SQLEXPRESS"
"db": {
"provider": "mongodb-dev",
"uri": "mongodb://username:password@",
"database": "appserver",
"maxPoolSize": 20,
"socketTimeoutMS": 480000,
"keepAlive": true
Notes: bioServer will use IIS default's configuration in terms of ports. By default, the Defaut Website in IIS is accessible over http (TCP 80). Make sure to disable the use of port 80 and enable https (TCP 443). In addition, bioServer must be able to reach the database server.
Notes: AppServer admin-app will use IIS default's configuration in terms of ports. By default, the Defaut Website in IIS is accessible over http (TCP 80). Make sure to disable the use of port 80 and enable https (TCP 443). In addition, AppServer must be able to reach the database server.