FbF bioServer + App Server install requirements


v1.0 (09/12/2024)


1. Install VC++ 2022 x64


2. Install Microsoft .NET 4.8

On operating systems such as Windows Server 2022, .NET 4.8 is installed as a Server Feature. In your Server Manager > Features, install the following features:

If prompted for additional features (dependencies), accept.

On other operating systems, .NET 4.8 must be downloaded and installed separately using an installer. The installer can be downloaded here https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net48-web-installer

3. Install IIS

3.1 Enable the Web Server (IIS) role

Requirements: IIS must be installed. On Windows Server 2019 and 2022, this requires installing the "Web Server (IIS)" server role with the following features:

3.2 Install and configure Application Request Routing

In the following order:

Note: If IIS was launched before installing Url Rewrite and ARR, make sure to close it and restart it. Otherwise, ARR won't be available in IIS.

4. Ensure availability of MS SQL Server

4.1 Install SQL Server

The solution requires the availability of a Microsoft SQL Server instance. In the absence of a dedicated server, it is possible to self-host an instance of SQL Server Express 2022 on the same VM as the solution.

Documentation on how to install SQL Server Express is widely available online. We recommend enabling Mixed Mode authentication, as it will allow both Windows Authentication (without needing to input credentials in the various connection strings) and SQL authentication (credentials need to be present in the connection strings, but overall management is more simple).


To ensure the above points are properly configured, launch the SQL Server 2022 Configuration Manager app from the startup menu as an administrator.

4.2 Install SQL Server Management Studio

In addition to SQL Server Express, the install process will require executing several SQL scripts on the DB server. To do so, we recommend the use of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). It can be downloaded here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms?view=sql-server-ver16.

Documentation on how to install SQL Server Express is widely available online.

5. Initialize the databases

5.1 bioServer DB

Optionally, you may create a SQL user specifically for this application. To do so, you can execute the script db-user.sql (The script is included in the bioServer installer archive). Before doing so, edit the file with a text editor and ensure:

5.2 AppServer DB

Optionally, you may create a SQL user specifically for this application. To do so, you can execute the script backend/db/mssql-user-init.sql (The script is included in the AppServer installer archive). Before doing so, edit the file with a text editor and ensure the database, username and password are set accordingly.

6. Firewall rules

Appendix A: Specs

Target population: 200k templates

Target population: 1 million

Target population: 10 million